Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Culture Marking

My poster includes two parts. One is a part of American. Another is about China. They have reflected different culture influence on me. I grew up in a nation which is rich in culture and history. China has about five thousand years’ history and glorious culture. Chinese people are very proud of it. The Great Wall, Emperor Qin’s Terracotta Warriors, Kongzi, some of pictures are part of reflect ions to the Chinese culture. The other pictures showed Yangzi River, a place I was born and grew up, where most of the people believe in Buddhism. It is the most important and mainstream religion in China. I do not believe in Buddhism, because of the education of atheism from school in early age of communism China. Most people like me, a generation was born in China at 70s, and we respected solders and leader of country. They have made a great contribution to the country, such as combating a flood or providing disaster relief. Most the music in China is glorify the soldier and leader of country. As a music fan, folk music from different ethnic minorities and Peking Opera which is best of Chinese culture have deeply caught my attention to learn and explore. ZuYing Zhang and DongTian Guang , the famous artists in China are my favorites. They have brought in something that was different from the official music.

When I came to the U.S., fashion styles, relaxed lifestyles, the open and free media culture and passionate pop music have led me to a new world and attracted me. In two years, I visited relatives in three cities and traveled to thirty cities about several states in the U.S. by a car and took a cruise to different countries to experience various cultures. Now, I hope to have a chance to tour U.S.A. with my family by a camper trailer to experience another American life.

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