Monday, September 21, 2009

Marisol's Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

I have learned many interesting facts of different cultures in this class. What I have concluded so far with what I have learned is that every culture comes to America for a change in life. Everyone is different they come from different backgrounds, they are different skin colors, they speak different languages, we eat and live in a variety of ways but we all have one thing in common. We all try to act or live American one way or another. Whether it be by dressing American, eating American food, or simply just by speaking English. In addition, some cultures decide to not even carry their background lifestyles to the United States because they do not want to seem different or foreign. Or some do decide to carry their social differences to seem unique and to show Americans their lifestyles. For example, there are many foreign restaurants and stores that are all around us and some Americans love that specific type of food or they might go into a non-American store to see what is there. It is funny how foreigners try to be American and how Americans like to experience from other cultures. This is funny to me because one wants to be like the other but they don’t realize that each culture is unique and everyone wants to be a part of it. In conclusion, the United States is a great place to live because everyone experiences different cultures and lifestyles. They also learn about a variety of backgrounds and maybe even incorporate them into their own lives.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Marisol,
    I agree with you that everybody is different from others. For this reason, I think that people should keep their native cultures rather than changing the, since America is a country where encourages diversity. However, it is true that there are still a lot of people who change their lifestyles even appearances just because they think that will help them to fit in to the United States and bring them more benefits. As a result, people forget their native cultures in the end. Do you think that will be a good thing for these immigrants?

    Alice Fu


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