Sunday, September 13, 2009

My poster

I am a buddhist. I really love reading buddhism doctrines and meditating. It really makes me comfortable with every problem I face. And also, I believe that Buddhism is the only philosophy that comes close to science.
I can not imagine my life without the precious and compassionate Buddhism.

Mongolia is a nomadic country which means, we live by moving another places as weather changes. In the countryside of Mongolia we usually have a lot of cattles.
This picture is one of the place that I like to go during the holidays. It has a long river called "Tuul Gol" where I also like to stay when I have stress.

Knowing about each others, and expanding our range of friends, makes people's life more interesting and meaningful.

In this little poster I tried to show who I am in person. What do I like to do as a hobby? What's my religion and interests? And a little bit about my home country Mongolia.

I really love animals, especially little puppies and I tried to show it as much as I can by posting dog images.

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