Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The poster represents the person I am today and the places, obejcts, and events that affected my outcome in life. The picture of my sweet fifteen is a representation of something that I have participated in the U.S although, it is a Mexican tradition. I have done this because even though I live in America, I still want to carry on in my Mexican culture and this was a good way of doing it. The people that I have put on my poster are people that I admire or have influenced me. I admire the entertainers because they make life a little more interesting. President Barack Obama is someone that has influenced me in this country because, he is considered part of a minority group and he just shows everyone that anything is possible. I have put Texas on my poster because it was the first state in the U. S that I came to live in. I didn't really put a lot of stuff about Texas because it has a lot of bad memories that I do not want to remember. Texas did have an impact on me because it was the starting point in my life. This poster represents my life and how everything influences and inspires me.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked your baby boy's picture. He looked so cute and gorgeous. I know you are a beautiful girl, but he was so beautiful. I really missed my brother when I saw the picture of your baby, and I voted for your poster. I am happy to know about you.


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