Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cultural Identity Wrap-up

After learning this unit, I realized that pop culture could be objects, people, events, and famous places. Besides, it let me know that pop culture plays an important role in people’s life, especially for the people who just immigrated to a new country. In this unit, I read an article, which is I Want to Be Miss America. This article shows me there are several ways to figure out the mainstream of this country: collecting magazines, observing other people, and watching TV shows. After reading this article, it also makes me realize that it is very hard for immigrants to fit in the mainstream of that new country. For example, like the author says, there is no exception that the queen of the Miss America contest will always be a white girl, since that doesn’t depend on their hairs’ colors but the races. However, finally, the author realized that she was proud of herself because she is who she is. For this reason, I learned that immigrants don’t need to push themselves to fit in the mainstream urgently, since America is not only a melting pot but also a salad bowl as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Alice
    I agree with you. Even though we are immigtants in this country. There are lots of difficult and inconvenient things around us. But we don't need to push ourselves to fit the mainstream. Just do what we want to do.


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