Sunday, September 20, 2009

Culture Identity

Culture is an abstract noun, after learning this unit I know culture can be concrete to four elements. That's objects, people, events and places. I think we can say that our life is the culture. We are the parts of the culture, and the culture is a mirror of our life and the society. The most important things I have study is the way of saying the difference when different cultures get together. The "melting pot" and the "salad bowl". I think it's interesting and vivid. It makes me understand deeply. Different races, different cultures and different backgtounds get together, become the same is the "melting pot", become diversity is the "salad bowl". As an immgrant, which one is the better? I like the "salad bowl". Becuse I think differences make the society colorful. The reading " Do I Look Like Public Enemy Number" told me that the individuals couldn't represent the whole nation and race. We just know the other countries very a little from the medium. People should be focus on the humanity, not the terror. From the unit, I think the culture is rich and colorful. And everyone is equality.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rui,

    I like your answer that differences make people's lives colorful, and I also think that would be the reason why American people encourage diversity since living in the same circumstance will make people bored. Although people always say that everybody is equal, some people still experience unequally. How can we prevent this kind of situation? Did the article that you read refers to that?

    Alice Fu


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