Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up(by Leiko)

In this unit I learnt about the culture has four components , there are objects ,people, events ,and places .
Culture identity is made up of all the components which are influence us at any given time , past or present . There are two different types , melting pot and salad bowl . Melting pot means different people from different countries ,having different background , they get together in the same place living for a long time , they can’t separate which was their original things /culture , all the people in this place were liked the same , can’t distinguish . And salad bowl means different people from different places ,they are living together for a while ,but they are living for their own lifestyle , following their own original culture , that is cultural diversity in order that we can indentify them clearly. However , even thought we can’t determine it is melting pot or salad bowl in USA today , we live together means we are the same . From the posters and the readings which I learned . I recognized different culture from my classmates . According to the posters ,we knew each other deeply , we have privity to study together and respect each other . This is what I leared from this unit.

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