Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cultural Identity (*^ANDREA^*)

What I have learned from this chapter is :Cultural Identity is the identity of a group or culture, or of an individual as far as it is
influenced by its belonging to agroup or culture.

Common characteristics and ideas may be clear markers of a shared cultural identity but essentially it is determined by difference:we feel we belong to a group, and a group defines itself as a group, by noticing and highlighting differences with other groups and cultures.

Any culture defines itself in relation , or rather in opposition to other cultures.

People who feel they belong to the same culture, hace this idea because they rely partially on a common set of norms , but the awareness of such sommon codes is possible only via the confrontation with their absence,namely with other cultures.

To put it simply:if you think you're the only existing culture you don't see yourself as a culture. Thus the dynamics of cultural self-definition imply a continuous contact between cultures.

Moreover, those relations are never relations of equality,since they never exist in an isola...

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