Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Poster

I'm Rui. I come from China.This is my poster. There are two parts in my poster. Chinese culture is on the left and my favorite things are on the rigth. The three images in the middle is principal line. They are dragon, the Great Wall and the surname tree. The dragon symbolizes Chinese culture and the surname tree symbolizes Chinese history. The tree images symbolize China. All the other images come from the principal line. I chose images about Chinese food, Chinese traditional clothes, Chinese Fastival, Beijing opera and something I like. From the poster, you can see my background and my indiwidual. I hope you like.

In this part, leading role is me.You can see the person I worship. And there are something I like. My favorite pop star Jay, my favorite countries Maldivian and Egypt, my favorite cartoon Stitch, my favorite dance ballet and so on. In this part , you can know me more clearly.

The dragon is Chinese totem. It's different from foreign countries. In China, dragon symbolize justice, power and dignifide. We call it Chinese Dragon. We Chinese like dragon, we are descendants of the dragon. Also, the totem is a Chinese Zodiac. I was born in the year of Chinese dragon. I like dragon. I think it's very cool!

The Beijing Opera. It's famous in the world. Many people think it's amazing to draw picutres on people's faces.The different person have different charaters, the different colors response different charaters. So every charater has its own color. The Beijing Opera is the quintessence of Chinese culture.

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