Monday, September 21, 2009

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

I have always defined culture as the shared thinking of beliefs and values by our society. According to a search on the definition of culture and Identity, culture is the patterns of behavior and thinking that people create, and share. Identity is a way that individuals label themselves as members of particular groups. When I was in morocco I never thought about my cultural identity and how it took place in my life. When I came to the United States, I met people from all over the world with different cultures and all my ideas had been changed. In addition, I started to think about the ways my culture is defining how I live my life and also how I’m starting to lose my cultural identity compared to my grandparents. Some people think now that their native culture is something old fashion. For example, in my country if you go to school or work wearing traditional clothes people stare to look at you as an old fashion person. Now, many companies and schools do not allow people to wear traditional clothes any more. That means that people start to lose their culture identity. Moreover, according to the reading in the unit “culture identity”, I thought about other things that I never paid attention to in the past. Things such as Moroccans losing their own language to now speak French which is foreign language in Morocco. I believe in decades, people will lose their culture identity and have one universal identity.


  1. Is very interesting what you are talking about. I don't know if we are going to lose our cultural identity and became on a universal, but like you when I came to the U.S. my mind change a lot.

  2. Yes, I never think about my cultural identity as well when I lived in China. Besides, in the pop culture class, I first knew the term, "cultural identity", and started to think about a realitionship between I and "cultural identity". However, when I really considered it, I felt that I was losing in Chicago.

  3. I really agree your opinions. Since i came to American, i had been changing a lot.{but i haven't change my culture}i also believe in decades of future, there are a lot of people will losing their own culture, languaga.


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