Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sander's Pop Culture

My best and the last party in Taiwan.
0000The most popular activity in Taiwan for people to do after school or work is to go the “KTV”.
0000The KTV is kind of Karaoke, but you don’t have to sing in front of the public. Each group can have their own room, so you can only sing in front of friends or people that you know, I think that’s so much easier for people to sing. For those rooms in the KTV, they provide from small room for 1 to 4 people, to huge room for 50 people or more, all the rooms are decorated in different style. In the rooms they have sofa area, big tv screen, different color of lights set on the ceiling, bar area so people can order foods and drinks and serve it inside the room, they even have a restroom for each room. Once you enter the room you don’t have to go outside. They always have after midnight sale from 30 to 50% off, so people usually sing and party all night long until morning.
0000Because those rooms are separate and private, people can have a costume party inside the room. Me and my friends spent a month to prepare this pink party. We made our own clothes and all the accessories, it was really fun during the process. Before the party we just hate to dressing in pink so much and we were thinking about what we got ourself into, but after the party we were kind of starting feel more comfortable about dressing in pink.

Me and my best friends’ last trip before I left Taiwan.
PSK means Phoebe, Sander, and Kay.

0000Since Japan controlled Taiwan for 50 years. Taiwanese still feel influenced by Japan. From food, music, movies, tv shows, books, commercials, magazine, to the way people dress, the supplies that people use for their daily needs. Some part of the society still connected to Japan.In Taiwanese’s conversation, there were always some part mention about Japan.
0000It is really good to go to Japan to see the real world that we always talk about and think about. To stand in the middle of a huge crowded crossroad in TOKYO, is so different from saw it on tv. We got so excited about everything. We experienced those original part of the pop culture which influenced taiwan’s pop culture so deep for so long. That was an unforgottable trip.

After I won the visa lottery, I got the chance to experience a different life.
0000Still remember the day all my family and friends went to the airport with me. All the words and tears became the power to sopport me. I stary with them until the last minuntes to go through the security, I run to the gate with tears in my eyes, I felt weird, because one said of me felt sad the other side felt excited, excited about the new life. I run to my future, I run to my dreams.
0000It took me 24 hours to fly to Chicago. I didn’t really sleep on the flight, I was half sleeping half awake kind of strange feeling. My brain was like reseting everything. I felt like a new born baby, be prepared to starting a new life in the whole new world.
0000Then I landed. This new world is so bright and white, it was totally covered by snow…

0000All kinds of people from all over the world, different races, different accent, different lifestyle, just opened my eyes, opened my mind, too. I became more open mind, I am willing to try everything that I didn’t try before. The first big adventure is to try the alcohol, I tried beers. They are all different, some taste sweet, some taste bitter, some have the taste of rice, after I tried a few beers, I found my body have allergy reaction to beer, so I started to try the cocktals, so far my favorite drinks are fuzzy navel and mojito. Both of then taste sweet and easy to drink, I really like it.
0000It seems like everyone in the America are intresting in the sports. All kinds of soprts game going on all year long, Baseball, Football, Hockey, basketball, etc. People can go to the games and hang out with friends have beers and have fun. I remember my ex boyfriend had a Super Bowl party at his place, all the friends came over to watch the game. That was fun fun fun.

0000Chicago is a gay friendly city, but I think there are other cities in the United States gay friendly too. As I never been to other cities in United States yet, so that chicago is friendly enough for me already.
0000A couple months ago I went to the gay pride parade, I saw there were not only gay people, but a lot of families, too. Parents took their children to the parade, everybody had a lot of fun there. That was just so different from Taiwan. In taiwan we have parade once a year too, but only gay people, and lots of them have to wear a mask to cover their face, so nobody would know who they are. I think the most concern was if their family would recogized them on the news because they joined the parade.
0000Another biggest gay activity in chicago is the Market Day. It’s a two days fest. They have concert, food, drinks, activity to do, that was really really fun. I invited my friends to go with me. We went there two days in a roll, we tried all the food there and we saw two awesome performance, one is ABBA Cover Band , and another is the Village People, their “YMCA” made my day. Well, I have to say I am gay and I had a really good time at Market Day. Everybody should join us next year!!

0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004 months ago I decided to go vegetarian, because I found the meat are not safe. I mean Not Safe doesn’t means the real safety problem.Just the way they raise those animals so bad, that made me so sick after I saw those video from No matter if it’s real or no, I just don’t want these beef, pork, or chicken anymore. And I have tried to go vegetarian for 4 months, I am doing good and feel healther. Now my body can’t take any meat product or I will get real sick.

0000I am really happy about these new experience influenced me to a more open mind, happier, and healther person. I really enjoy what I am doing right now, and I am going to continue to explore the new world and new life.


  1. I really love your poster, it has lots of pictures and informations about your background.You could define yourself very well with a your ESSAY!.I think that you are so great except for your allergy to beers and an open person.

  2. I like your poster! There are enough information to bring me into your "world". I have known more about you through to see this poster.


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