Saturday, September 12, 2009

Leiko's poster

Hello,I am Leiko ,I am from China.I know my poster is not special and beautiful ,but this poster represented my culture influence me in my life,so I wanted to show with you all.All of you know Olympic Games was held in Beijing, China 2008 ,so 2008 was an important year for Chinese .In my poster I showed two pictures of Olympic Venues, one is Track and Field named Bird’s Nest ,another one is Water Cube .Its designed was special and fantastic.
The other pictures which are showed are famous buildings in my country.

One of the famous buildings , named Kaiping diaolou or Water tower .Because it has characteristic of Kaiping ,so I decided to put it on the post ,there exist 1,833 Diaolous in Kaiping’s 16 towenships .The Kaiping Diaolou mainly served the purposes of defence and dwelling.
Another is a famous food in Kaiping, no matter you cook food or just eat like that ,it is easy for you, named bean cheese .
I hope you can enjoy my culture introduction.
Thank you !

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