Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cultural Identity Wrap Up

The U.S was like melting pot because American did not accept other cultures before, so people who came from other countries lost their integrith. However, now American accept the other countries' culture. Therefore, the U.S is like salad bowl;people who came from toehr countries are able to keep their Integrity. For example, there are Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Thai restaurant and town in the U.S. Many American like Shusi, Pad Thai, Bulgogi, Orange Chiken, and so on. Also, many people whose frist language is not English are learning Enlgish and many American also are learning another countriy's language. As a result, it helps everyone to accept the other countries' culture.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    I agree with you when you when you say that it helps everyone to accept other countries' cultures because now we can learn more about other cultures and share things, food or moments with people from other cultures.


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