Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sander's Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

We are Lucky!!
Peopel in this class are really lucky, we got the chance to experience a different culture by living in it everyday instead of just learn it from the books.
Some people choose to just stay in the group of their culture that they used to, and decided not to open eyes to see the new world. Some people just so excited and can't wait to explore the new life, new food, new culture, new world.
All the culture no matter its good or bad, they are all UNIQUE. No other can replace them. They should be treat as the Endangered Species. They are treasures of humen beings. One day, when we find the connection to the species outside the earth, our diversity culture is the Logo to represent who we are. We are humen, and we got culture. World Peace!!


  1. this pic impress me. Alive the WORLD PEACE.

  2. You are so right!! everyone is unique and they should embrace this so they could teach other people about their culture. I too like your picture it is interesting.


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