Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

In the process of studying the chapter about Reflection on Cultural Identity, I have always thought of a question that is the U.S. as a melting pot or a salad bowl? Until now, the answer for me is that in the period, it is like a salad bowl more than a melting pot. Like most people, a nation of immigration. Every year, thousands and thousands immigrants come here from different countries with their native cultures. Generally, they have their family, friends and sharp their ethnic groups for the same cultural background, such as China, Korean or German town. Though the U.S. is so big, this phenomenon is really common to appear at each state. People in the different ethnic groups usually speak their own language, like Chinese, Germany or Korean. They also cook, taste and share their native food with their family, believing in religion which they have always believed in from their race. In the traditional festive from their nation, they will wear the beautiful ethnic cloth to celebrate by the tradition habit. Most of the people could make friends or get marry easier with people from the same cultural background, because, they think that it will be easy to communicate and live together after they got married. However, amounts of the ethnic groups are important to be a part of the U.S. and show their especial cultures which are different from the American native culture. Thus, there are different cultures to mix in the U.S. as a salad bowl. Of course, as immigrants and their children, living in the bicultural upbringing is unavoidable, because they are expected to assimilate for a challenge from the rapid rates of technological change and the steady increase in wage after educated. Maybe, something will be changed unconsciously through many generations.


  1. Hey Sally:
    I was thinking about that sentence that you wrote of people get marry with people from their own backgrounds because they can communicate easier. Though I know people that are married with someone from a very different culture, I agree that for people is more easier to find someone from their own culture.

  2. i think you are right. even if there are a lot of people got marriage with someone who from another country, a deeply different culture is hard to learn.

  3. Hi,Sally:
    I agree with your ideas in this sentence,married with the same country can communicate with each other or their family well.Even though i knew more people married with other country,they live well together,but the majority of couples will think the same country will be better,at least for their family communication.


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