Tuesday, September 22, 2009

cultural identity wrap-up (jessica)
I have learnt the most important thing in this unit is how to identify humanity's culture. For example, pop-music culture in
every generation, it has different meaning. for adult,they always like retrospect, eventhough the chang is good, but they still upset. For children, they always like innovation, whenever it creates something news, they tend to them. pop culture and pop music they influence each other. How they mix up! I am an adult now. for those reasons, I think if there is a mix up culture in this society, there might be more interesting.


  1. I like this poster because it tells us modern times the children like to follow the new things and mix cultural's problem.

  2. The differences between every generations make the generation gap. From your narrateion, I think every generations should understand each other and try to adapt each other.


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