Monday, September 28, 2009

Cultural Identity Wrap up

I have learning a lot of things during this pop culture class, and I realize that how much important to stay with other people without any discrimination. America is the country that has many people who has different nationality. Moreover, people are getting to be close to each other and each of us can respect each others because culture has been mixing for example there are Chinatown , Mexico town, and Japanese town….they all have build up in the united state. I’m would like to say that American is getting better than before because people do not really care about your nationality or what your race are.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

cultural identity wrap-up (jessica)
I have learnt the most important thing in this unit is how to identify humanity's culture. For example, pop-music culture in
every generation, it has different meaning. for adult,they always like retrospect, eventhough the chang is good, but they still upset. For children, they always like innovation, whenever it creates something news, they tend to them. pop culture and pop music they influence each other. How they mix up! I am an adult now. for those reasons, I think if there is a mix up culture in this society, there might be more interesting.

I am jessica. I chose this picture it is because I want to introduce my hometown's culture to everybody. It's name is tai shan city. It's located west of hong kong, and on the southwest of china. It's a small beautiful famous city in my country. It's natural scenery consists of tall mountains, hillsbasins, plains and beaches. Tai shan is also reputable in its volleyball activities. Another wellknow is as china's first homeland for overseas chinese. Some of the overseas chinese they carried "the pride of chinese people" in a foreign land. For example in my posters' Gary locke, Adrienne Clarkson, and Jimmy woo.....ect. I proud of them.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wrap ( by Angelica)





In the Unit 1, I learned that cultural Identity has objects, place, people and events. I read about I want to be Miss America. This read shows the different away for who wants adapt in the American, for examples observing other people, watch TV show and collection magazines. We immigrant, don’t have to move are characteristics, to be accept in the America. Also, we don’t need move are looks, change are clothing, are hair color, skin or even are personality. Doesn’t matte where you are from, America always will reception and accept you as well.

Marisol's Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

I have learned many interesting facts of different cultures in this class. What I have concluded so far with what I have learned is that every culture comes to America for a change in life. Everyone is different they come from different backgrounds, they are different skin colors, they speak different languages, we eat and live in a variety of ways but we all have one thing in common. We all try to act or live American one way or another. Whether it be by dressing American, eating American food, or simply just by speaking English. In addition, some cultures decide to not even carry their background lifestyles to the United States because they do not want to seem different or foreign. Or some do decide to carry their social differences to seem unique and to show Americans their lifestyles. For example, there are many foreign restaurants and stores that are all around us and some Americans love that specific type of food or they might go into a non-American store to see what is there. It is funny how foreigners try to be American and how Americans like to experience from other cultures. This is funny to me because one wants to be like the other but they don’t realize that each culture is unique and everyone wants to be a part of it. In conclusion, the United States is a great place to live because everyone experiences different cultures and lifestyles. They also learn about a variety of backgrounds and maybe even incorporate them into their own lives.

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

I have always defined culture as the shared thinking of beliefs and values by our society. According to a search on the definition of culture and Identity, culture is the patterns of behavior and thinking that people create, and share. Identity is a way that individuals label themselves as members of particular groups. When I was in morocco I never thought about my cultural identity and how it took place in my life. When I came to the United States, I met people from all over the world with different cultures and all my ideas had been changed. In addition, I started to think about the ways my culture is defining how I live my life and also how I’m starting to lose my cultural identity compared to my grandparents. Some people think now that their native culture is something old fashion. For example, in my country if you go to school or work wearing traditional clothes people stare to look at you as an old fashion person. Now, many companies and schools do not allow people to wear traditional clothes any more. That means that people start to lose their culture identity. Moreover, according to the reading in the unit “culture identity”, I thought about other things that I never paid attention to in the past. Things such as Moroccans losing their own language to now speak French which is foreign language in Morocco. I believe in decades, people will lose their culture identity and have one universal identity.

cultural identity wrap-up

Culture is the ancient tradition, every different counties have different culture. The chinese National Day is in October 1, in American also have chinese National Day in September 26 in chinatown, it is a culture now. Chinese National Day also have lion dance, music, and other show. I think USA National Day also have many show in that day and fire work. I think all the counties culture are mix it now, nobody care about race problem.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

I have learned a lot from reading this cultural identity unit. Popular culture is made up by objects, people, events and places. Globalization VS. Americanization is one of the essays from this chapter. How are you going to identify this topic without reading the whole essay? I had some ideas when I read the topic. For instance, I thought Globalization is a kind of business that influences the U.S., and Americanization is a kind of the business that influences everywhere. After I finished reading this essay, I began to realize better about the meaning of Globalization and Americanization.

Cultural Identity Wrap Up

The U.S was like melting pot because American did not accept other cultures before, so people who came from other countries lost their integrith. However, now American accept the other countries' culture. Therefore, the U.S is like salad bowl;people who came from toehr countries are able to keep their Integrity. For example, there are Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Thai restaurant and town in the U.S. Many American like Shusi, Pad Thai, Bulgogi, Orange Chiken, and so on. Also, many people whose frist language is not English are learning Enlgish and many American also are learning another countriy's language. As a result, it helps everyone to accept the other countries' culture.

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

Priscilla Torres
September 20, 2009
Hum- Pop Culture

Cultural Identity Wrap- Up

I realized how people complicate their lives by thinking how to fit in the population. By reading the chapter of Cultural Identity in the text book, I could see that sometimes the people don't appreciate who they are, they just appreciate what people think they are. They just ask themselves: How do I look to other people? or Do I fit in?. These questions are very common on some people that come from other countries, but if we think a little bit more we can realize that not just the people from other countries want to fit in, but also some people from their own country get worried about that. Maybe this is something that happens to all of us in a particular moment, but we should learn that we are special and different to others. We should feel proud of our culture and identity, and it doesn't mean that we can't learn somethings about other cultures and expand our understandings beyond what we think our limitations are. We can not worry if we look or not as if we belong to the group.

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

In the process of studying the chapter about Reflection on Cultural Identity, I have always thought of a question that is the U.S. as a melting pot or a salad bowl? Until now, the answer for me is that in the period, it is like a salad bowl more than a melting pot. Like most people, a nation of immigration. Every year, thousands and thousands immigrants come here from different countries with their native cultures. Generally, they have their family, friends and sharp their ethnic groups for the same cultural background, such as China, Korean or German town. Though the U.S. is so big, this phenomenon is really common to appear at each state. People in the different ethnic groups usually speak their own language, like Chinese, Germany or Korean. They also cook, taste and share their native food with their family, believing in religion which they have always believed in from their race. In the traditional festive from their nation, they will wear the beautiful ethnic cloth to celebrate by the tradition habit. Most of the people could make friends or get marry easier with people from the same cultural background, because, they think that it will be easy to communicate and live together after they got married. However, amounts of the ethnic groups are important to be a part of the U.S. and show their especial cultures which are different from the American native culture. Thus, there are different cultures to mix in the U.S. as a salad bowl. Of course, as immigrants and their children, living in the bicultural upbringing is unavoidable, because they are expected to assimilate for a challenge from the rapid rates of technological change and the steady increase in wage after educated. Maybe, something will be changed unconsciously through many generations.

Culture Identity

Culture is an abstract noun, after learning this unit I know culture can be concrete to four elements. That's objects, people, events and places. I think we can say that our life is the culture. We are the parts of the culture, and the culture is a mirror of our life and the society. The most important things I have study is the way of saying the difference when different cultures get together. The "melting pot" and the "salad bowl". I think it's interesting and vivid. It makes me understand deeply. Different races, different cultures and different backgtounds get together, become the same is the "melting pot", become diversity is the "salad bowl". As an immgrant, which one is the better? I like the "salad bowl". Becuse I think differences make the society colorful. The reading " Do I Look Like Public Enemy Number" told me that the individuals couldn't represent the whole nation and race. We just know the other countries very a little from the medium. People should be focus on the humanity, not the terror. From the unit, I think the culture is rich and colorful. And everyone is equality.

Sander's Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

We are Lucky!!
Peopel in this class are really lucky, we got the chance to experience a different culture by living in it everyday instead of just learn it from the books.
Some people choose to just stay in the group of their culture that they used to, and decided not to open eyes to see the new world. Some people just so excited and can't wait to explore the new life, new food, new culture, new world.
All the culture no matter its good or bad, they are all UNIQUE. No other can replace them. They should be treat as the Endangered Species. They are treasures of humen beings. One day, when we find the connection to the species outside the earth, our diversity culture is the Logo to represent who we are. We are humen, and we got culture. World Peace!!

Cultural Identity (*^ANDREA^*)

What I have learned from this chapter is :Cultural Identity is the identity of a group or culture, or of an individual as far as it is
influenced by its belonging to agroup or culture.

Common characteristics and ideas may be clear markers of a shared cultural identity but essentially it is determined by difference:we feel we belong to a group, and a group defines itself as a group, by noticing and highlighting differences with other groups and cultures.

Any culture defines itself in relation , or rather in opposition to other cultures.

People who feel they belong to the same culture, hace this idea because they rely partially on a common set of norms , but the awareness of such sommon codes is possible only via the confrontation with their absence,namely with other cultures.

To put it simply:if you think you're the only existing culture you don't see yourself as a culture. Thus the dynamics of cultural self-definition imply a continuous contact between cultures.

Moreover, those relations are never relations of equality,since they never exist in an isola...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cultural Identity

Cultural Identity Wrap-up

Culture is composed of object, people, event, places. I realized Cultural identity is the identity of a group or culture. It also let me know pop-culture is a very important aspect in our life, we can’t live without it. In this unit, I read an article, People like us. It is about salad bowl in America. People maintain their original culture, identify, language. People has been segregation, and move to neighborhoods where they are the only family of their race or culture there. It made me know people are very hard to fit in different culture.

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up(by Leiko)

In this unit I learnt about the culture has four components , there are objects ,people, events ,and places .
Culture identity is made up of all the components which are influence us at any given time , past or present . There are two different types , melting pot and salad bowl . Melting pot means different people from different countries ,having different background , they get together in the same place living for a long time , they can’t separate which was their original things /culture , all the people in this place were liked the same , can’t distinguish . And salad bowl means different people from different places ,they are living together for a while ,but they are living for their own lifestyle , following their own original culture , that is cultural diversity in order that we can indentify them clearly. However , even thought we can’t determine it is melting pot or salad bowl in USA today , we live together means we are the same . From the posters and the readings which I learned . I recognized different culture from my classmates . According to the posters ,we knew each other deeply , we have privity to study together and respect each other . This is what I leared from this unit.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Cultural Identity-Wrap Up (Amber)

Cultural identity is the

(feeling of) a group or a single

person who influenced by her/his belonging to a group or culture.

In other words everybody belongs to a group, which defines who s

he/he is as a person. Cultural Identity can be determined by their

differences, that are found in their origin, religion, language,

character, culture, and appearances. There are many people who are

bicultural,that means he/she can be identified by two different


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cultural Identity Wrap-up

After learning this unit, I realized that pop culture could be objects, people, events, and famous places. Besides, it let me know that pop culture plays an important role in people’s life, especially for the people who just immigrated to a new country. In this unit, I read an article, which is I Want to Be Miss America. This article shows me there are several ways to figure out the mainstream of this country: collecting magazines, observing other people, and watching TV shows. After reading this article, it also makes me realize that it is very hard for immigrants to fit in the mainstream of that new country. For example, like the author says, there is no exception that the queen of the Miss America contest will always be a white girl, since that doesn’t depend on their hairs’ colors but the races. However, finally, the author realized that she was proud of herself because she is who she is. For this reason, I learned that immigrants don’t need to push themselves to fit in the mainstream urgently, since America is not only a melting pot but also a salad bowl as well.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Poster

This is my poster . I t is showing about my culture. First, please look at left side is my favorite things and people include Lady GAga , she is new popular singer in the U.S.
Celine Dion is my favorite singer too. Her famous song is My Heart will Go on , and it was my first English song to heart . Also, you should see the I POD stuff include I POD classics and I Phone , they both I have now.secondly in the right side of my poster is my country's should see flag ,Chinese map, traditional woman ,and traditional technology.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Moroccan American

Hi everyone,

My name is Hajar Errafay I’m Moroccan, I have been living in US since January 2008. However, I chose the pictures in the poster to show my cultural identity. The first picture I chose in my city that I love was Marrakech, Marrakech is known as the Red City because all the buildings in the city are red. It is a very rich city with old museums, some of which are from the11th century.

The second picture I used is hard part to explain. It is an expression of my religion and I wrote on the poster “I’m Muslim and I’m proud”. This is because all the people in the world after September 11 have a misconception about Islam and Muslims. People think that we are all terrorists and we hate people from other religions. From my little knowledge and what I know about Islam, I can tell you that either the Quran or the prophet Muhammad never mentioned anything about killing people with other religions or killing them if they don’t want to be a Muslim.

Moreover, I choose the Oprah Winfrey picture because it is my favorite TV show. It’s one of the best talk shows in the world because it is very informative, helpful and at the same time fun to watch. In addition, when I was choosing the pictures that show my cultural identity, I notice that a lot of things have changed since I came to the US. I started eating some meals I couldn’t eat the first time I came here. I started acting like an American and also I started doing many things that I could not do in my country.

Anyway, the U.S is a beautiful country especially Chicago. I like every thing in it, the architecture, the museums and also the shopping malls.

Bo min's poster

Hello, everyone. My name is Bo min Kim. I am from Seoul, South Korea. I have never left Seoul since I was born. That picture is one of my favorite area in Seoul. When I liven in Korea, My friends and I went to there a lot to go shopping, watch the movies, eat and drink. That eara was always crowded with people and be as bright as a day even though it was very late. I have a lot of memoriswith my family and friends in that area.

I enjoy drawing pictures. I am not good at creation, so I usually draw a picture on the model of people, objects, and another picture which was drawn by someone. That picture was drawn after I ate a Cheetos. Sometimes, I draw my teacher or class mates while I am in the class.

Also, I really enjoy watching the baseball game. I have been to Cellular Filed five times since I came here. Actually, I had not liked watching baseball before my younger brother started to play baseball. thesedays, my brother is playing baseball game with Taiwan, Japan, Thailand and Sri Lanka. I always watch the my brother's game on the Internet. Finally, I have been to Europe with my friend when I was a middle school student. Venice was very beautiful. The bulidings was sanked in the water and many people rode a barge. I was so impressed with Venice . I will go to Venice again if I get an opportunity. Thank you for reading!

Monday, September 14, 2009

My poster

Hi everybody! I am lhamaa, Bayar. I am going to explain about my poster little bit. I have been here for eight months. I've always lived with my family till i came US. I really wanted to show my family pictures in the poster but I was just moved and my everything is packed. Anyways i will start with first picture. My father collects book maybe it influenced me get interested in reading book. Recently I read New moon and i really want to watch the movie. The second picture is my favorite actress Rachel Mcadams. I watched wonderful movies that she played such as "The notebook" "Mean girls" "Hot chic" "Time travelers wife".
When I was in Mongolia every summer i went to countryside with my family. There were many horses and i rode a lot. I had a dog but he is died a few years ago. Eventough I always meet my family with skype i miss them so much.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thalyta's Poster - Welcome to read! :)

Hi, my name is Thalyta Borges. I'm from Brazil and I'm gonna show you little bit about me through those pictures. This first picture represent my lovely family that I miss a lot. It has been almost two years that I haven't seen them. These another two pictures of food and the beach represents others two things that I've been missing. I'm not a good cook and I don't find this kind of food easily around here and the beaches in Brazil is just too good and I have great memories when I think about them.
Because I like to walk or jog outside I put that forest and the iPod's pictures. I think those really represent me. I love the nature, being outside, admire the beauties of the nature and I like to do that while I'm listening to a good music.
I also would like to share these two last things that I do for fun. I love to play tennis, even though I'm not so good at it. And I also love to read psychology books. I'm seriously thinking about it, it may be my major.

Thank you for reading,





My poster

My name is Cecilia, and I came from Guangzhou, China. One of those pictures in the middle of the poster shows the location where I was born in. I didn’t post Chinese culture’s picture because there are some things that I usually do no matter if I was in China or in the U.S. For instance, from this picture- taste of Chicago, I would attend this event every year to enjoy the delicious foods like turkey, ice-cream with cakes. On the other hand, when I was in china, I would join this same kind of event also because Chinese food has a variety of cuisines. I am able to taste a lot of creative dishes through this kind of event. Another picture in my poster is McDonalds, how familiar that name is! This is one of the most popular franchise fast food restaurants, and it originally established from the U.S. In Chicago, I almost go to McDonalds to order hamburgers for lunch every time when I finished my classes. In China, having McDonald’s meal has always been my first choice when I went shopping with my friends. There are a lot of McDonalds’ stores that can be found which makes it so famous and convenient for their customers. Apple brand has not only influenced America’s business, but it has also influenced China’s business. I am using an I-phone and I-pod in Chicago. Before I came to the U.S, I was using apple’s computer. My life has always been connected with Chinese culture and American culture.

Ethan's culture

Hi this is Ethan Kim, I’m from Je-Ju Island which is in Korea, south. My home town is usually hot and sunny, and the people are kind and sentimental and lazy.

I think that I love islands because I was grown up in the island and there are beautiful beaches, trees, I mean nature and weather is great for me so, I’m always happy to visit islands.

I always enjoy listening music especially I like the Beatles and Jason Mraz because their songs are always with beautiful guitar sounds these make me so romantic every time when I listen their musics, imagine that you’re watching a beautiful beach with “Here comes the sun”, the song of the Beatles isn’t it great?

When it’s raining, I pick up a DVD that is romantic comedy, I love movies of romantic comedy. Actually there is nothing to do for fun when a rainy day in island so the watching a movie became one of my habits. Anyways romantic comedy movies make me fun, laugh and feel sad too.

To be honest, I like all culture things like sports, music, books, cartoons, etc, and I love all experience of culture so, I’m happy now because I’m living in new country and totally different life with interesting culture. This is very important and precious experience because I’m into advertising, and I want to be a advertising director I mean all experience of culture are so helpful and useful to my future job and I think these are more important than money or something like that.

My poster

I am a buddhist. I really love reading buddhism doctrines and meditating. It really makes me comfortable with every problem I face. And also, I believe that Buddhism is the only philosophy that comes close to science.
I can not imagine my life without the precious and compassionate Buddhism.

Mongolia is a nomadic country which means, we live by moving another places as weather changes. In the countryside of Mongolia we usually have a lot of cattles.
This picture is one of the place that I like to go during the holidays. It has a long river called "Tuul Gol" where I also like to stay when I have stress.

Knowing about each others, and expanding our range of friends, makes people's life more interesting and meaningful.

In this little poster I tried to show who I am in person. What do I like to do as a hobby? What's my religion and interests? And a little bit about my home country Mongolia.

I really love animals, especially little puppies and I tried to show it as much as I can by posting dog images.