Wednesday, December 2, 2009

last project for everything

pop culture
pop culture is very important for people, many people are follow the pop culture for their life. I have changed my everything after I came to America. For example; i have changed to listen other countries music (Korean, Japanese, English). i did not watched chinese movies about five years ago. sometime watched english movies, sometime watched korean movies, most time watched japanese movie.
i took popular culture class because i need to know more about recently new things and want to know what is popular mean. i did not know what is popular culture mean, i just know it is a culture. now i know what is pop culture mean, that mean is the new things who want to use it, watch it, and follow it (movies, music, slang, i-phone, and etc.).
cultural identity

this is a popular maket in my hometwon, its name is call tianling (sky ring). this maket has many things to sell. the first floor is sell the electrical equipments. the second floor is sell the clothes. the third floor is sell the food material. the fourth floor is the games room, it has many different games can play it.

the second picture is from my hometown scenery plot. its name is called phoenix gorge. it is a good place for people to visit it. the phoenix gorge is not only has small fall and mountain, it also has a cavern at this place. before has a history about this cavern, people are said this cavern has many valuables and gold in there, but no people know this is fake or real. behind the mountain has a lake, it has six small islands, people made other name for this place, it is called six gorge island. now still has people like to visit this place, so it is a popular place in my hometown.
i have took '' what Obama's text message campaign reveals- gigaOM'' for my reading because it is a good reading for our knowledge. this reading is talk about obama how to send 10 milion messages for people in same time and want people to vote him to do a president. i learn about him how to seach peoples' e-mail addresses and phone numbers. these are crazy things, i do not learn about this crazy, i just think he is a smart guy, and he knows how to use his skill to the voters.

i took my music presentation white X-mass this song. i like this song because it is a good song for all the lover and X-mass is good day for everyone. the singers group name is called KATTUN, they have six people at this group, they started to the singers since 2005. white X-mass begins with piano, giving a nice sweet feeling. the singers use their vocals in the beginning match beautifully with the instrumental, showing emotion through their sing. if i listen a few time of this song, i will think about X-mass and the happy things on this day.


i took ''the lord of the ring: the return of the king'' this Academy Award movie. it is a good movie, i like it so much. the movie is talked about the people how to make a war and to plunder of the ring. because the ring can control peoples' doom, and get the world.

this is my favorite movie from hollywood, it is talked about the vampire and they fight in the city. i like this movie because the actress is beautiful, the fighting parts are good, and it is a scare movie.


compuer is good for every, we can learn many things and get some knowledge from the computer internet. i started to use computer in 1998, between 1998 to 2005, i just used computer to play games, i did not know the computer can learn many things on internet. after 2005, i have started to use computer learn something (traslate, get imformation, and etc.).

Gossip girl is a good tv, it was made at 2007, this tv is talked the girls and boys at school's love and how to make some gossip things. i was watched a few parts, i did not finish it because it is a long tv show. i like this tv show because i want to know more about america things. i learn something about gossip and love in this tv show, and i think the gossip also around us and we do not know it.

Monday, November 30, 2009

my poster about chinese culture

This pictures are talking about Chinese pop culture and why it is popular. The first picture is talk about the Chinese supper maket how popular. China is a huge country, it has had 1.6 billion people live in China, all the supper makets and stores are very popular people who wants to buy the things, the supper maket is big, the first floor just sell the food. The second floor sell the electric appliance (computer, A/C, camera and etc.).

This picture is talk about the scenery. In China have had many wonderful place, the scenery are very good. Every year has many people spend money to travel to China and see the scenery. If travel to the pretty place and go to the scenery plot, the people just take picture all the time, how beautiful just the people personally go to there should be know why the travel plot are popular.


Life in Chicago


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Links to Glogs

Sarah, Leiko & Angelica

Sander, Priscilla & Andrea

Cecilia, Hajar & Sally

Thalyta, Alice & Marisol

Amber, Bo Min & Ilyasse

Rui, Jessica & Bayar

Akira, Yun & Jiali

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

17 Again Movie Review- Marisol

My favorite kind of movie to watch is comedy movies. They get me in a better mood and i like to laugh with my friends. In the movie, 17 Again, was directed by Burr Steers, and the main actors in this movie are, Zac Efron, Leslie Mann, Thomas Lennon, and Matthew Perry. This movie is about a 30 somthing year old man that wishes he had the life he had before i had a family. Because before in highschool he was really popular and he was the high school's basketball all star but all that changed when he found out that his girlfriend was pregnant and he had to let his college basketball career go. So now his life is miserable his wife wants to get a divorce, his kids don't have a very good connection with him, and he hates his job. Now, he goes back to his old high school and sees a picture of his old basketball team and wishes that he were 17 again. This is where all the good stuff begins. He magically turns 17 again and has to live his life all over again. I recommend this movie to anyone who just wants to have a good laugh.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Seven Pounds

Seven Pounds in my opinion is one of my favorite movies of 2008, even if it didn't get nominated for an Academy Award last year. Will Smith in this movie makes the experience fun and proves that he can act in any kind of movie not just a comedy or action based storyline. In Seven Pound he shows how much passion he can bring to a character by taking on a role in a dramatic movie. However, the story line in the movie was very emotional. In this movie, they use flash backs and they make you put the movie together piece by piece.


i have take this movie (the last vampire), it is talk about the poster this girl why she wants to kill other vampire and find a lady who kill her father. at the movie, she is a half human, half vampire, and she is pitiless. at the end of the movie, she knows who kill her father, and knows who is her mother.


Tobin Bell 'Saw' the future in horror series

John and Jill eventually drifted apart and divorced. After this turn of events, John found himself trapped by his own complacency, until he was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. Extremely bitter over his squandered life, John began observing the lives of others and became even more depressed as he saw those around him squandering the gift of life that he had just been denied. After surviving a suicide attempt where he drove his car off a cliff, John was "reborn", and nurtured the idea that the only way for someone to change is for them to change themselves. He designed a test for Cecil and decided to use the rest of his existence to design more of these "tests" as a form of "rehabilitation" that would change the world "one person at a time". John was soon given the name "Jigsaw Killer" (or "Jigsaw"), so named because he removed a puzzle-piece-shaped chunk of flesh from those who do not escape his traps. John himself states that this name was given to him by the media, and that the cut piece of flesh was meant to represent that these victims were each missing something, what he called the "survival instinct".

Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant

Today I recommend the Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire 's Assistant. The director is Paul Weitz. The Vampire's assistant was second novel in The Saga of Darren Shan because the novel sold good and they take it been a movie. The main actor was Darren Shan( Chris Massiglia) and his friend Steve (Josh HUtcherson) the supporting actor was ken Watanabe and the other supporting actress was Salma Hayek. This is another popular young teenager 's movie in 2009. Even the main actress was not very effect in this film , she became an important point of this film. Also, it was about two teenager boy's friendship. Because Darren wants Evra Von to save his best friend Steve, he comply to be a Vampire.But Mr. Tall told Steve , Darren stole his seat of been a vampire assistant. Darren and Steve from best friend become enemy. I think this sound of film was so so because it was not very useful. and the picture/ cinematography was not very useful. But the script and plot were good because this film was the second novel of the Saga of Darren Shan and sold very good. and I think this plot has meaning of education.

The Notebook(2004)

This movie is truly captures the pain and joy of being in love. Main characters are Allie (Rachel McAdams) Noah (Ryan Gosling) director is Nick Cassavetes. Not only the story is good but also sound animation is very good too. It is wonderful story. After you watch it you will start to believe in miracles. Hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I love you man

If you want have a good time and laugh hysterically, you should watch I love You Man. It is comedy movie, with Paul Rudd ,Jason  Segel. Rudd plays as a guy doesn’t has any friends  and his girl friend and friends laugh at him. Then one day his find a new friends,that is Jason Segel, and his ask for him to be his best men in his wedding. The actors did a great perform, they showed how beautiful is the relationship between two friends.  


I would like to recommend a film which includes horror movie, love movie, action movie, and fantastic movie calls Twilight. It talks about a vampire, Edward Cullen falls in love with a human girl, Isabella Swan. The vampire is not be able old and died. It will forever live in the world. Even though Edward Cullen and his family is vampire, they don’t suck human’s blood. They drink animal’s blood. Also, it talks about the fighting between Edward Cullen’s family and bad vampires. The second part of Twilight calls New Moon will show on November. I think people who like it is very expectation.

Have you recently seen a horror movie that get lots of educational meaning. The is one of the famous horror movie. This movie was talking about after a big thundertorm, many people went to the supermarket to buy some food and drink. The people include main actress david and his son billy. When they were shopping, an unthinkable thing was happened, someone got in the store and said something in the mist outside, that thing could make people die. After that, the movie was showed some peoples' reactions, crazy, avoided, and face the bad situation. At the end of the story david got existent. but others people were died. Meanwhile, you will get more inspiration in this movie. Do not missing it.
Recently, have you been tired? If you are, I will introduce you a new American movie, which name is the Proposal. The comedic film will have taken you into humorous and relaxed atmosphere when you are watching it. First, the main actress Sandra Bullock used a good act skill to perform a Canadian woman, who worked as a terrible boss in a big company in New York. For an American citizenship, she decided to make a fake proposal to her assistant, but she didn’t know that he had a surprised background. From that point on, a funny and romantic story began. In addition, the beautiful pictures in the movie are worth taking time to mention. Especially those pictures from Alaska, they perfectly showed Alaska’s natural scene as if led you into a dreamed wild Alaska world. Go get a DVD!

Mall Cop

The < Mall Cop> is one of the funniest movies I like. The main actor’s name is Kevin James who is an American comedian and actor. One of his famous television shows is < The King of Queens>. The Mall Cop movie talks about Kevin living with his mother and his daughter, and he works at the mall as a security guard. One night, there were robbers trying to get into the mall after the mall was closed. There were a lot of funny parts in the movie when Kevin tried to catch those robbers. At the end of the movie, he was able to arrest those robbers and put them in jail, and Kevin finally got with a lady that he had a crush with from the mall. I recommend this movie to everybody, including children, teenager, adult, elderly, you will never regret after you watched this movie.

28 days later by Sander

As I said, Me and my friends are so into horror movie. The type that we are into is killing. This is the best movie so far. From the senses with totally empty London, the actors done a great job about human fight to survive, to the music of the movie. I read many review, nobody really talk about the music of this movie. My point of view about this movie’s music plays a very important part for the movie, this movie doesn’t always keep you nervous. It has a tempo follow by nervous , relax , nervous , relax… so the movie change your nerve in a second by the music. This is a really special horror movie that you would never miss.

THE PROPOSAL is a movie that not just has good actors, but also is interesting and funny. Its main actors are Sandra Bullock and Ryan Raynolds. This movie is interesting because it is not like the other romantic comedies that are always predictable. This movie keeps entertaining you and trying to know what would happen later. I invite you to watch this movie and enjoy it.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

"The Surrogates"---You should check this out (Amber)

This is a new realeased science fiction movie in 2009. The main character Bruce Willis did a great job, casted a policeman role for Tom Greer. In this you can see a world where humans live in isolation and interact through Surrogate robots. They get any apperances they wished and live the life as they want. unfotunately, the surrogates hunting begins.This is a really cool movie that you should and see what will our future be in the next years. Sounds and animations of this movie were great.

Night at the Museum

I want to introduce this movie is Night at the Museum:Battle of the Smithsonian. Even though some of people didn't like it because it was worse than the first one. It talked about a series of historical personages of a museum could alive when the sun set, and restored when the sun came out. They had different size. Only the actor as the security of the museum could see them. I thought this movie wanted to express how important about friends in our life even though you have a lot of money that you can't use out all of them in your life. When the historical personages were ready to send to basement, actor realized that he need those friends and through his ability saved them. From this movie we could know more about the history, and their special modeling. This movie had special effected and was full of imagination, funny and excited.

Forrest Gump

What a ture hero is? The success of the intellectual disturbance person, Forrest Gump tells us. To promise what he said, be honest to everyone, be brave, conscientious and have a simplicity heart.Jenny and Gump's mother give him a lot of truth of life. He runs in his life. Run to success, run to where he wants to go and run to holp. The famous director Zemeckic Robert made this film balance and profuse. When you watch the film, you may cry and smile at the same time. There are many sighs , Jenny's degenerate, Bubba's death and so on. There are also much holp. The film reflects many different political phenomenons of the USA at that time. Tom Hanks made the Forrest Gump as a real person in our life. When you see Forrest Gump, you just like touching the other side in your heart. After you watch the film, you will also find that life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. You will find that Gump is not a smart man, but he know what love is. It resonates with our hearts. Maybe, you will get more spirite about your life.

Friday, October 23, 2009

If you have a good life, you should be thankful! This movie will show you how life is for who have no money, no love, no hope in life. The movie "City of God" is not based in a true story but in a true life experience. This movie doesn't have the main actor as a person, but the place. The story is in Rio de Janeiro in a place called favela. The story is narrated by a little boy called Buscapé which is a very poor boy, black and very afraid in become a bandit, but fortunately he became a professional. The movie is not all about Buscapé, but a lot of people around. Although, through him we can see and understand the cruel humanity. I think it's is a very good movie and you should watch because we can see better and feel a real world full of violence.

Up is a cartoon movie, which is co-directed by Pete Docter & Bob Peterson. However, this movie is not only children, but also for adults because of its meaningful content. Carl Fredricksen, the actor, who is a retired man, and he used to be a balloon salesman. When he was a little boy, he met Ellie, who had the same hobby as he had. They got married when they grew up, and they loved each other so much. Since both of them liked adventure, Carl and Ellie had an adventure scrapbook, which was recorded their dream – Paradise Fall in the rugged South America. However, Ellie passed away, and their dream hadn’t come true. For this reason, Carl decided to continue their dream to look for the Paradise Fall, and he used their house as the traffic mean by using hydrogen balloons to lift it up. During Carl’s adventure, he met Russell, a nine year-old Asian boy, a big bird, a lot of fierce dogs, and the dogs’ owner Muntz. This moving tells people that dreams can be came true if people can make every effort, even though they are not young any more. Also, it expresses that the best way for people to memorialize their dead lovers is making them live in their hearts rather than clinging late relatives’ things obstinately. Besides, this movie was made in 3-D, and it will give audiences a more direct sense when they watch it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

horror movie

People like to enjoy horror movies all the times, and they like the feeling that when they watch horror movies because they want to have existed feelings, and want to get more tensions. Why they should go see this kind of movies is depends. For example, for some couple, when they go to watch horror with their boy friend or girl friend, their relationship will get deeper because guy can show their brave behavior to their girl friend. In my opinion, making a horror movies need many techniques, like how to choose the right actor, the technique of scared people, and the location where they take, and the back sounds. If the director has ready for those preparation, I’m pretty sure that it will be a perfect horror movie.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Cultural Identity Wrap up

I have learning a lot of things during this pop culture class, and I realize that how much important to stay with other people without any discrimination. America is the country that has many people who has different nationality. Moreover, people are getting to be close to each other and each of us can respect each others because culture has been mixing for example there are Chinatown , Mexico town, and Japanese town….they all have build up in the united state. I’m would like to say that American is getting better than before because people do not really care about your nationality or what your race are.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

cultural identity wrap-up (jessica)
I have learnt the most important thing in this unit is how to identify humanity's culture. For example, pop-music culture in
every generation, it has different meaning. for adult,they always like retrospect, eventhough the chang is good, but they still upset. For children, they always like innovation, whenever it creates something news, they tend to them. pop culture and pop music they influence each other. How they mix up! I am an adult now. for those reasons, I think if there is a mix up culture in this society, there might be more interesting.

I am jessica. I chose this picture it is because I want to introduce my hometown's culture to everybody. It's name is tai shan city. It's located west of hong kong, and on the southwest of china. It's a small beautiful famous city in my country. It's natural scenery consists of tall mountains, hillsbasins, plains and beaches. Tai shan is also reputable in its volleyball activities. Another wellknow is as china's first homeland for overseas chinese. Some of the overseas chinese they carried "the pride of chinese people" in a foreign land. For example in my posters' Gary locke, Adrienne Clarkson, and Jimmy woo.....ect. I proud of them.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wrap ( by Angelica)





In the Unit 1, I learned that cultural Identity has objects, place, people and events. I read about I want to be Miss America. This read shows the different away for who wants adapt in the American, for examples observing other people, watch TV show and collection magazines. We immigrant, don’t have to move are characteristics, to be accept in the America. Also, we don’t need move are looks, change are clothing, are hair color, skin or even are personality. Doesn’t matte where you are from, America always will reception and accept you as well.

Marisol's Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

I have learned many interesting facts of different cultures in this class. What I have concluded so far with what I have learned is that every culture comes to America for a change in life. Everyone is different they come from different backgrounds, they are different skin colors, they speak different languages, we eat and live in a variety of ways but we all have one thing in common. We all try to act or live American one way or another. Whether it be by dressing American, eating American food, or simply just by speaking English. In addition, some cultures decide to not even carry their background lifestyles to the United States because they do not want to seem different or foreign. Or some do decide to carry their social differences to seem unique and to show Americans their lifestyles. For example, there are many foreign restaurants and stores that are all around us and some Americans love that specific type of food or they might go into a non-American store to see what is there. It is funny how foreigners try to be American and how Americans like to experience from other cultures. This is funny to me because one wants to be like the other but they don’t realize that each culture is unique and everyone wants to be a part of it. In conclusion, the United States is a great place to live because everyone experiences different cultures and lifestyles. They also learn about a variety of backgrounds and maybe even incorporate them into their own lives.

Cultural Identity Wrap-Up

I have always defined culture as the shared thinking of beliefs and values by our society. According to a search on the definition of culture and Identity, culture is the patterns of behavior and thinking that people create, and share. Identity is a way that individuals label themselves as members of particular groups. When I was in morocco I never thought about my cultural identity and how it took place in my life. When I came to the United States, I met people from all over the world with different cultures and all my ideas had been changed. In addition, I started to think about the ways my culture is defining how I live my life and also how I’m starting to lose my cultural identity compared to my grandparents. Some people think now that their native culture is something old fashion. For example, in my country if you go to school or work wearing traditional clothes people stare to look at you as an old fashion person. Now, many companies and schools do not allow people to wear traditional clothes any more. That means that people start to lose their culture identity. Moreover, according to the reading in the unit “culture identity”, I thought about other things that I never paid attention to in the past. Things such as Moroccans losing their own language to now speak French which is foreign language in Morocco. I believe in decades, people will lose their culture identity and have one universal identity.

cultural identity wrap-up

Culture is the ancient tradition, every different counties have different culture. The chinese National Day is in October 1, in American also have chinese National Day in September 26 in chinatown, it is a culture now. Chinese National Day also have lion dance, music, and other show. I think USA National Day also have many show in that day and fire work. I think all the counties culture are mix it now, nobody care about race problem.