Monday, November 30, 2009

my poster about chinese culture

This pictures are talking about Chinese pop culture and why it is popular. The first picture is talk about the Chinese supper maket how popular. China is a huge country, it has had 1.6 billion people live in China, all the supper makets and stores are very popular people who wants to buy the things, the supper maket is big, the first floor just sell the food. The second floor sell the electric appliance (computer, A/C, camera and etc.).

This picture is talk about the scenery. In China have had many wonderful place, the scenery are very good. Every year has many people spend money to travel to China and see the scenery. If travel to the pretty place and go to the scenery plot, the people just take picture all the time, how beautiful just the people personally go to there should be know why the travel plot are popular.

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