Wednesday, December 2, 2009

last project for everything

pop culture
pop culture is very important for people, many people are follow the pop culture for their life. I have changed my everything after I came to America. For example; i have changed to listen other countries music (Korean, Japanese, English). i did not watched chinese movies about five years ago. sometime watched english movies, sometime watched korean movies, most time watched japanese movie.
i took popular culture class because i need to know more about recently new things and want to know what is popular mean. i did not know what is popular culture mean, i just know it is a culture. now i know what is pop culture mean, that mean is the new things who want to use it, watch it, and follow it (movies, music, slang, i-phone, and etc.).
cultural identity

this is a popular maket in my hometwon, its name is call tianling (sky ring). this maket has many things to sell. the first floor is sell the electrical equipments. the second floor is sell the clothes. the third floor is sell the food material. the fourth floor is the games room, it has many different games can play it.

the second picture is from my hometown scenery plot. its name is called phoenix gorge. it is a good place for people to visit it. the phoenix gorge is not only has small fall and mountain, it also has a cavern at this place. before has a history about this cavern, people are said this cavern has many valuables and gold in there, but no people know this is fake or real. behind the mountain has a lake, it has six small islands, people made other name for this place, it is called six gorge island. now still has people like to visit this place, so it is a popular place in my hometown.
i have took '' what Obama's text message campaign reveals- gigaOM'' for my reading because it is a good reading for our knowledge. this reading is talk about obama how to send 10 milion messages for people in same time and want people to vote him to do a president. i learn about him how to seach peoples' e-mail addresses and phone numbers. these are crazy things, i do not learn about this crazy, i just think he is a smart guy, and he knows how to use his skill to the voters.

i took my music presentation white X-mass this song. i like this song because it is a good song for all the lover and X-mass is good day for everyone. the singers group name is called KATTUN, they have six people at this group, they started to the singers since 2005. white X-mass begins with piano, giving a nice sweet feeling. the singers use their vocals in the beginning match beautifully with the instrumental, showing emotion through their sing. if i listen a few time of this song, i will think about X-mass and the happy things on this day.


i took ''the lord of the ring: the return of the king'' this Academy Award movie. it is a good movie, i like it so much. the movie is talked about the people how to make a war and to plunder of the ring. because the ring can control peoples' doom, and get the world.

this is my favorite movie from hollywood, it is talked about the vampire and they fight in the city. i like this movie because the actress is beautiful, the fighting parts are good, and it is a scare movie.


compuer is good for every, we can learn many things and get some knowledge from the computer internet. i started to use computer in 1998, between 1998 to 2005, i just used computer to play games, i did not know the computer can learn many things on internet. after 2005, i have started to use computer learn something (traslate, get imformation, and etc.).

Gossip girl is a good tv, it was made at 2007, this tv is talked the girls and boys at school's love and how to make some gossip things. i was watched a few parts, i did not finish it because it is a long tv show. i like this tv show because i want to know more about america things. i learn something about gossip and love in this tv show, and i think the gossip also around us and we do not know it.